Keep on being creative

Being Creative Brighton Artist Studio Studio

Keep on being creative! Here is the latest work in progress in the studio on Boxing Day. 

The dynamic force of creativity is what drives personal fulfilment, problem-solving, and invention. Finding the time and space to foster one's creativity can be difficult in the fast-paced, frequently chaotic rhythm of our daily living. Thankfully, there are lots of methods and strategies to maintain the creative flow. Neuroscience estimates that the subconscious brain handles 80–90% of "thought." Therefore, avoid making an excessive effort to "overcome" a creative block by overanalyzing yourself. It will occur if you let your thoughts handle the task. Feel the force, to use Yoda's phrase.

Embrace Curiosity

Creativity is sparked by curiosity. Divergent and convergent thinking are combined in a dual process that is creative thinking. Divergent thinking is the process by which people first come up with a plethora of unique solutions to problems or prompts. They then hone in on and concentrate on a particular concept or resolution (convergent thinking). Both of these cognitive processes are included in creativity, as are the techniques such as divergent thinking as well as the final products or results. An outcome needs to be useful and innovative in order to be considered creative. Exploration is the result of curiosity, which drives someone to actively study their environment and look for facts. Divergent thinking can be sparked by this investigation, prompting people to come up with several ideas while they conduct their research. This dual method, when combined with convergent thinking, can produce an innovative solution.

The Impact of the Environment

Your environment has a big impact on your ability to think creatively. Silence and silence are essential for the creative process because they can inspire those subtle "ahas." These moments of solitude and peace, whether at an office, a special place, within an unusual location like a refrigerator box, on a treadmill, in bed, or in the shower, are essential to supporting the creative process. Your regular places of residence have an effect on your general state of health, affecting both your physical and emotional well-being. Even quick trips to certain locations can have a lasting impression. Our emotions and stress levels are influenced by the things we see, hear, smell, and generally experience, which can have an impact on our mental health.

Establish a Routine

An idealised view of a life free from schedules and regulations is frequently the source of the desire to lead an adventurous existence. The temptation of spontaneous travel and limitless options might cause people to reject routines in search of what they see to be true freedom. But this rejection could unintentionally prevent someone from reaching their greatest potential. Routines are not restrictive constraints; rather, they are tactical instruments for achieving objectives, be they fitness goals, job benchmarks, or personal growth objectives. The discipline and consistency that routines provide are essential for advancement. Without a set schedule, objectives could stay illusive and become lost in the complexity of a meaningless journey. Contrary to popular assumption, routines can actually foster creativity rather than restrict it. Routines that are well-organized free the mind from the constant need to make decisions about menial duties, which promotes greater creativity and exploration. A setting where the principles are clear-cut and consistent fosters creative freedom.

Engage in Mindfulness Practices

Focus can be improved and mental noise can be reduced by engaging in techniques like mindfulness and meditation. You make room for creative ideas to arise when you are in the current moment. These exercises also reduce stress, which has been shown to be a major inhibitor of creativity. Speaking with other artists can be a great source of inspiration. Through the practice of mindfulness, one can develop perceptual awareness and introspective awareness, focusing attention on our mental patterns and processes. Mindfulness practice improves interhemispheric communication, which is a feature of creative states. Mindfulness practitioners become more adept at perceiving ever-smaller details in the stream of consciousness and mental processes. Participate in workshops, connect with others in your field, and join communities. The sharing of ideas might inspire fresh viewpoints and stretch your creative abilities.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

It's acceptable that not every creative effort will turn out to be a masterpiece. Accept setbacks as important life lessons. Choosing a safe route is frequently motivated by a fear of failing. In settings where faults are not acknowledged, people get defensive and concentrate on hiding their errors. This fear inhibits innovation, stunts progress, and restricts the complete presentation of oneself and one's ideas in the workplace. On the other hand, accepting failure helps us become more resilient and determined, which empowers us to keep going for our objectives in spite of obstacles or setbacks. The ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep going builds character and eventually opens doors to success. Examine what went wrong, modify your strategy, and turn setbacks into opportunities for growth. Building resilience entails asking for help when you need it as well as lending a helping hand when things get hard. The need of social and community support is emphasised as essential elements in the process of developing resilience. Rebuilding confidence, showing kindness to oneself in times of adversity, and engaging in self-compassion practices are all essential components of cultivating resilience. Achieving success requires steady work in a consistent direction throughout time. Failures are a necessary part of this process because they provide insightful feedback on what isn't working and help to hone the focus of one's efforts. Gaining insight into the causes of failure allows for the necessary modifications. It could be necessary to modify goals in light of the lessons discovered, maybe by establishing more manageable, short-term targets that add up to the main aim.

Intentional nurturing is necessary for the dynamic and ever-evolving process of creativity. You may cultivate a creative mentality that endures and grows over time by adopting these methods and strategies into your everyday life. It's difficult to be creative when you're mentally worn out. Give yourself permission to relax, take pauses, and refuel. Sometimes taking a brief break from a project might inspire new ideas and creative inspiration.

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